Monday, January 29, 2018

Just imagine our world....

Just imagine our world when we have plenty of oil, coal, lumber, houses, and cars, and everything is covered in plastic trash. Oh, and there would be no sea turtles or any living thing besides humans and mosquitoes.
Sent January 29, 2018

Want to start a movement?

How does that sound? What if we pledged "...liberty and community" for all? That could fundamentally change who we are and how we treat each other. How about it? Want to start a movement?
Sent January 29, 2018

What could our future look like?

While traveling in France, I have been amazed at the diversity in people, in couples, and in children. People walking down the street together with smiles on their faces. Is it possible that could be a snapshot of our future?
Sent January 27, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

Liberty and justic for... whom?

This is my second postcard in a series on the topic of justice. The evidence I have read shows that there is very little justice for marginalized populations in the U.S. They have a higher rate of poverty and lower quality schools. They are incarcerated at a far higher rate than those who identify as "white" even when they have a lower rate of crime. How can we keep saying, with our hands over our hearts, "...with liberty and justice for all," when we do not live those words? More on the topic of justice tomorrow.
Sent January 26, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Is justice blind?

This is a first postcard in a series on the topic of justice. If justice is measured by our correctional system, one could argue that true, blind, justice is not being served.
Sent January 25, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Seems rather easy...

Just a thought that seems easy enough. Generosity, kindness, and justice are what will protect the world and all those in it.
Sent January 24, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

All should be led to higher ground...

The mark of a "great" leader is that her (or his) followers are not led to the brink by someone who is trying to prove how great she (or he) is. A great leader tries to lead so all followers are led to higher ground.
Sent January 23, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

Do we keep our promises?

Across party lines, the American people want the promises to the "Dreamers" to be kept. Are we a nation that keeps its promises, or not?
Sent January 22, 2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Nuclear threats are a crime!

Nuclear bombs cannot be considered protective in any scenario. We know what kind of devastation results from a nuclear explosion. Here are the statistics: Over the next two to four months, the acute effects of the atomic bombings killed 90,000–146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000–80,000 people in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day.
Sent January 22, 2018

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Generous or selfish, we choose our path...

I believe we are all born with the potential for compassion and generosity as well as the same potential for greed and selfishness. How we are raised will surely skew how we develop, but adulthood is the time to evaluate for ourselves who we really want to be.
Sent January 20, 2018

Friday, January 19, 2018

There is no justice based on an injustice

For years, Jews and Palestinians lived as neighbors. After the horrors of the Nazi genocide, a new state of Israel was proposed and enacted. Palestinians became the homeless ones. There can be no solution based on an injustice. The time is now to make amends for both sides. My source: "The Olive Grove", the story of how Israel came to be and the Palestinians lost everything.
January 19, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

One full year of postcards...

Postcard #365. I did it! A year of postcards. Most met my goal of a civil conversation. I learned what I feel strongly about... justice, equality, compassion and the environment... I discovered I have a reserve that feeds my stamina. I am learning how difficult it is to stop doing something you have done daily for an entire year. That said, I already have three more postcards written. I do wish for some evidence that they make a difference. That, I suppose is wishful thinking.
Sent January 18, 2018 - one full year of postcards

My own deepest and most hopeful dream...

Mostly, I am writing the expression my own deepest and most hopeful dream of what our country and our world could be. This is a time for each of us to dig deeply into our souls and to create the world we want for ourselves for everyone. There is no exemption for race, color, religion, country of origin, educational level, health, or disability. What I have should be available to anyone. I do not deserve better because of any arbitrary criteria applied by those who think they are better than anyone else.
Sent January 17, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

We should make friends not enemies...

Denigrating people around the world is a short sighted way to rule. Instead of making enemies, we should be making friends, partners who will help each other through the years ahead. Trump's goal seems to be to alienate everyone on the planet.
Sent January 16, 2018

Monday, January 15, 2018

Grow up!

I suppose I should apologize. I did intend for all of my postcards to be civil. It is remarkable when you think he is a year older than I am and still needs someone to tell him to "grow up"!
Sent January 15, 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

I truly feel sorry for Donald Trump

There are only a handful of rules that kids should learn to take them through their lives. This is one. Another is: Don't do anything you do not want on the front page of the newspaper (Ditto for twitter, facebook, and TV news.) And, my all time favorite: Always treat others the way you wish to be treated yourself. I believe Donald Trump has sold his soul to the highest bidder because he was not taught these rules. I truly feel sorry for him and for us.
Sent January 16, 20189

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Our diversity will save us...

Why is diversity such a scary concept? Why must we all look, act, dress, and believe the same in order to be accepted and protected by our laws? In the end, our diversity is what will protect us and save us from extinction. Besides, how dull it would be if we were all the same.
Sent January 13, 2018

This is not justice...

How is using a hacksaw and a wrench a worse crime than an armed takeover of Federal Government property. However, the Bundy's and their armed cohort are walking away while people concerned about the health of our planet and its people receive jail time. This is not justice.
Sent January 12, 2018

The racialized "war" on drugs...

The War on Drugs has been a "color-blind" system of racial disparity. Young black and brown men are found guilty of felonies and thrown in prison for minor drug offenses for which young white men get off scott-free. Millions of young men of color lose their citizenship rights for possession of minor amounts of marijuana and are disenfranchised for the rest of their lives. Drug use should not be a crime at all, and certainly not for just one demographic. That's called racism.
Sent January 11, 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Power to the People!

Just heard today that something like 19 Republican Congresspeople have announced that they will not be running in their next elections. The swing of this pendulum may be quicker than anyone might have predicted. Power to the People!
Sent January 10, 2018

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Just turn around and leave...

To respond to anyone with violence is unacceptable. The only exception is when someone is initiating the violence. Still, the first best reaction might be to just turn around and leave.
Sent January 9, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018

I have hope...

Andrew Carnegie's words are particularly prophetic in today's political climate of massive accumulation of wealth by 1% of our population. There is no one outside of the 1% who think this is a good idea. This will backfire on the Republicans as it has in the past. I have hope.
Sent January 8, 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Release the hostages...

Holding innocent young people hostage is definitely a low point in your presidency. They have followed the law and are working to give their families a safe and secure future. You have tossed them into chaos they do not deserve. Hostage taking is the lowest form of leadership.
Sent January 8, 2017

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Welfare profiles are not universal...

The mindset we have of welfare recipients may be true in a small percentage of cases, but it is certainly not a universal truth. Our tax dollars should be spent to make it possible to raise a family with shelter, food, clothing, and a good education. To withhold that is perpetuating the problem.
Sent January 6, 2018

Friday, January 5, 2018

What greed and power looks like...

The goal to increase the wealth of the extremely wealthy using our tax dollars was not initiated by Donald Trump. But, under this president the strategy has become blatantly obvious. He is holding the middle and lower classes and anyone who looks different hostage to his greed and power.
Sent January 5, 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018

What are taxes for?

What are our taxes really for? Are they to pay profits to private contractors to fight our wars or incarcerate our citizens. Are they for privatizing all manner of public services so a corporation can make a profit. I think not. And paying for gilded golf vacations at Trump's own properties seems criminal when he is rolling back regulations and cutting the taxes used to help common citizens.
Sent January 4, 2017

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Distain shows Mr. Trump's Ignorance...

Mr. Trump mocks "global warming" by joking about how cold it is along the east coast. His attempts at humor simply show his ignorance and disdain for science and scientists.
Sent January 3, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A New Year Anthem...

"We are the World..." What a beautiful song. Here is the link if you haven't heard it: A beautiful Anthem for the New Year.
Sent January 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018

Make it be a great year!

I do realize that what I dream of as a better world is different from what our President aspires to. But, this is a New Year and we will not sit idly by. This is a year of elections, of looking inward at how we have been complicit, and facing forward toward a brave new world of our creation. Let's make it be a great year!
Sent January 2, 2018

A brand new year...

I wish you all a Wonderful New Year. May it bring happiness, forgiveness, love, and the energy to take a stand for "freedom and justice for all"! Blessings, Dianne
Sent January 2, 2018

What is my legacy?

It is not easy living a life congruent to our values. Each little temptation or irritation or "covetation" (I know, it's not a real word.) tempts our human side to sidestep our ideals, "Just this one time." If there is just-this-once it becomes easier the next time. Are we perfect? Of course not! But, we need to keep our focus on our ideals.
Sent December 30, 2017